125 thoughts on “Chapter 168: Alps

  1. F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5

    Edited by Kookie – I don’t need 5 pages of F5 to scroll through


      1. nah. You just need to paste about half a page. Copy all of that, then hold down the paste shortcut for a few seconds and voila, several pages of f5…


  2. what does illegal release mean? as far as i know, as long as you are not making a profit(at least not charging, donations are fine as far as i know) or claiming it as your own, then it can’t be illegal


    1. Ladies and gentlemen, join me in the fight against illiteracy. I put to you all that those who can’t read be prostituted to the fullest extent of the law.

      P.S. Anyone who corrects me or points it out doesn’t get the joke.


  3. YES! Now that’s a punishment. If I could suggest another one, somehow convince all the translators to delay their translations by a day per every hounding.


          1. But AU summers are crazy >_< It's either so hot we all melt, or it rains so much that it floods and causes power-outs (and my internet is currently down so here i am procrastinating again). But there are good days (:


          2. I moved so I probably won’t see snow this winter, but the last city I was in had summers of 35 and winters that got to negative 50. Fortunately it rarely drops below 0 here it just rains. And in two years I will have to contend with crap Japanese summers 😦


  4. If it were me and people were hounding me on release, I would tell them to go fu– themselves and eat a nice, big, fat, juicy dick.

    Don’t get me wrong, really shouldn’t do a bad release just because some of the readers of your translations are d-bags. Not exactly fair to those who are civilized and patient for your release. But saying that you still have to prove a point to those “Butt Pirates” and what better way to do that, then what you will do if they do hound you; By royally fu–ing them in the ass with a delayed bad release lol

    Anyway I just want to say your doing a great job, and I appreciate the work you put in your translations. And I want to say you are beautiful in so many ways, and your the light of my life 😉


  5. I genuinely hope but am not pushing for this next chapter to come out tomorrow so that I can read the several chapters that follow it.


  6. As a reader, its irritating knowing that you all keep getting pestered for releases. You do this for free because (I assume) you enjoy it. Bringing English chapters to the masses, and in return you get cries of “moar, plz!” Admittedly, there are those who are genuinely grateful and those dedicated fans who manage to spam F5 for hours without a wink of sleep.

    IMO, You aren’t wrong to use your discretion and withhold chapters. I don’t know about other people, but out of all the stuff I read online, Tate has BY FAR the quickest and most consistent updates even without 2-4 people working on different chapters at once. It is a privilege to be able to read these chapters. Hell, it’s a privilege that the people badgering you for chapters even have a computer with working internet.

    Yorai and Hatoken probably have the same issue. If it continues maybe you can all decide together to have a week of no releases or something.
    There is the option of having a schedule posted somewhere so that people can know when to expect a release, but I would advise against it since that would make translators feel obligated to release on that day and feel guilty if they do not make deadlines.



    1. I Wholeheartedly agree with this lol. A week without translations won’t kill us grateful patient leechers, but it’ll probably kill the impatient ingrates


  7. please don’t anger the translators and wait patiently for their releases. and if you cant wait, why dont you just translate the chapter on your own?…


  8. im haveing a hell of a lot of fun just reading the comments people make. thanks for doing this for free i neither have the time nor talent to do what u translators are doing or i would help.

    p.s. i dont always comment but when i do i want it to show i care and can wait


    1. please spare kookies your gluttony. i know you don’t eat kids, but do make an exception this time. here, take oreo an go stuff yourself in the meanwhile

      Liked by 1 person

  9. So many impatient people huh. ‘-‘

    Well December’s coming around so, its a busy time for Translators, Editors and Proofreaders due to massive amounts of eating events, friendly gathering, family gatherings and what not.

    I’ve told my staff over and over “Get your damned buffers up!” so re-trans will be able to release a chapter or three during the holidays.

    Liked by 2 people

        1. Re:Monster
          Gun-Ota ga
          Yuusha Party Chapter
          Slime Tensei – just started this one
          Tsuyokute New Saga – story is abit fast but i like it
          Souen no Historia
          Shinka no Mi
          Shite Mita

          T______________T I just noticed how many I read


          1. Re:Monster
            Gun-Ota ga
            Yuusha Party Chapter
            Slime Tensei – just started this one
            Tsuyokute New Saga – story is abit fast but i like it
            Souen no Historia
            Shinka no Mi
            Shite Mita

            lol that all of re:translator project – EC,
            from plot, i like
            tsuyokute & shite mita the best,,

            oh i like to add some more,,
            Suterareta Yuusha no Eiyuutan


          2. Ahaha…

            Sadly, we are missing chapters for Tsuyokute New Saga… so your reading experience once we get to those parts will be bad. We’re gonna continue translating it anyways.


          3. a part of Volume 03 is missing, and a large chunk of Volume 04.

            It was practically a dead zone for us, since we only started on the project Mid 2014.

            Waybackmachine and Megalodon has failed us.


          4. *weeps*
            the future seams bleak…
            btw, if you don’t mind, may i ask current no of latest released chapter for each title? (the japs one, i mean)


          5. re:Monster : Day 251-260
            TNS : Volume 05 – Chapter 01-02?
            Gun-Ota : Chapter 228
            Master of Monster : Volume 03 – Chapter 04
            Slime Tensei : Volume 07 Chapter 40 – INterlude 01 and 02
            Shinka no Mi : Not a clue.
            EC : Not a clue.
            Yuusha no Party – Chapter 89
            Souen no Historia : Volume 05 Chapter 170


          6. oohhh… gun ota, yusha party and historia has a lot of reserve chapter to look forward to… very nice.
            need to upgrade to asus t200ta for better reading immersion. 🙂
            /me running around in circles like kiel.. yay


          7. I told ya didn’t i? Waybackmachine and Megalodon (both WebArchives) failed us.

            Basically, if we dont have the LN, its gone from the internet.

            Unless someone’s been hoarding the chapters as TXT Files…. well if anyone’s kind enough to drop it on us… it’d be nice.

            Also, dont bother, TNS is a Condenser Novel, they condense their chapters and remove a chunk of the story.


          8. Rei. I recently read Mushoku Tensei. Check that out. When you finish that one you’ll have dozens of chapters for those you are waiting 😀


  10. “Hounding Kookie for releases will result in an illegible version of the chapter being posted and a delay in the actual release. You have been warned”

    i’m not doing something against your warming,
    just saying something in my own language,

    lama, pengen baca yang 169 selanjutnya,
    cepet dunk keluarnya,
    hmm capter 170-171,
    dan yg 172, orangnya banyak ketuker



      1. that’s why i said it in my language,,
        so you don’t know the meaning,,
        as long as the other side doesn’t know the language,,
        tread or some law can’t be release,


        1. assuming someone other who understands doesn’t translate it for her 🙂
          but i’m not going to do it, not just yet.. too risky :p
          but i do agree on the 170-172, but hopefully they will get better given enough time. or maybe a if good editor pop-up from somewhere. firo’s ahoge perhaps?


          1. It should get better with practice. I don’t know if they speak Japanese, but wholly crap translating lines for school made me hate life.


          2. seems obvious that they don’t, no?
            btw, the futon guy said that he will do some editing of those chapter before putting them on bakatsuki preview page 🙂


          3. Ya it’s all experience. Honestly I wish my Japanese wasn’t shit so I could read ahead or even help out.


          4. yeah,, a bit risky 😀
            hope kooki doesn’t ask her friends from indonesia

            for 170-172,,
            it’s not bad,,
            but hope no one just say that a raw of machine translator,
            there some effort in it, thought not the best result

            i appreciate their work,


      2. It is written in a language which has extreme amount of slang. Most machine translations have difficulties as the language has a lot of non-dictionary words and differs significantly in both vocabulary and grammatical structure from the formal form.

        The thing is the slang form are quite common in daily conversation to the extend many Indonesian understand and use it. Hence, while Indonesian is a relatively easy language to learn, for grammar and pronunciation as they are among the simplest, understanding day-to-day conversation is an entirely different story.

        And in summary, all the Indonesian sentences by the commentators above are slang sentences.

        To some limited extend, I had similar difficulties learning Japanese, as they often omit some context which understood by Japanese but not by outsiders, but at least Japanese daily conversation is similar enough to the “dictionaries and study books”.


          1. It is slang, you do not see such words in school or language study books. A lot of your wording is corrupted form of proper words.


          2. hey sir, the only corrupted for are just 1 word
            all other are “kata yang baku”

            well the wrong point are
            -the structure-
            but if you can’t get it,
            then i apologize if it’s bug you


        1. japanese ppl also seem to like/use combination of two (or more) words in their conversation a lot, especially young people. kind of what kookie did (ohanashi+tanoshimi). not to mention, the use or word play for pun. not sure if machine translator like google or bing could ever correctly translate such intent.


    1. bang isa ngajarin aku baca bahasa jepang nggak ? aku mo isa baca rokujouma no shinryokusha
      klo gk, bagi rokujouma no shinryokusha bahasa inggris maupun bahasa indonesia


          1. god the gundam were all over the place with timelines and stories i like gundam too but they were hard to keep track of the many different stories with it..though i like the gundam build fighters for som reason


  11. Sounds interesting. You should copy and paste the google translate version, lol.
    I tried reading the GT version of LMS a long time ago…. It wasn’t good. Sometimes you can figure out the general idea of what’s going on. But it can easily give you a headache too….


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